Channel: Questions in topic: "platformercontroller"
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PlatformerController: is inertia (Mario physics) possible ?

Hello,I'm using the PlatformerController script from the 2D Gameplay tutorial and was wondering how easy or how hard it was to make the character behave with more realistic controls.For example, when...

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PlatformerController vs Box Collider

Hi,I have a stack of box colliders/basic cubes(2x1x2) which the player with PlatformerController stands on top of. Each (one at a time, the one the player is currently ontop of) of the cubes slowly...

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Rotate to facing direction 2.5D

Does anyone know how to get a character to rotate and move in the direction of the key they press? Like pressing the left key makes the character look left and move that way? using UnityEngine; using...

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Make platforms that collide with player from one direction but not the other.

I'm trying to make a platform object which the Character Controller can pass through if it collides with it from below or the sides, but does not go through it if he collides from above. An example of...

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2D PlatformerController: Cumulative drift?

I've attempted some amateur surgery on the PlatformerController script bundled with the 2D Platformer tutorial and have opened up a bit of a problem. After moving the character around for a little...

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Walking and Jumping in Untiy with w,a,d

I am new to unity and i want to make a 2d plat-former game in java script. I want to be able to make it 2 player. I have looked every where and i can't seam to find a script or tutorial where you can...

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Why get my character controller stuck?

Hi, I use the standard character controller in one of my 2D platformer games. The character controller (CC) stuck in a wall if the character fall down a stage. He moves downwards, but obvious slower....

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How do I make my character move with the moving platform

Hello, I'm trying to make a game for mobile phones which is a first person 3d platformer. I started developing it with the First Person Controller from the Standard Assets, which works great by using...

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Mathf.Clamp for rigidbody2D.velocity.x not working?

Hi everyone! So I've been making a 2D game, using the 2D physics engine and stuff. It's a platformer. My player character is a little rigidbody person, with a script i made attatched that controls...

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How to Disable my player controller script, if I have many characters?

Hello! Good day to everyone. :) **WHAT I HAVE IN MY GAME:** - I have a typical ***player controller*** script in my game (move, jump, attack). - Several characters to choose from before playing the...

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Suggest a correct way for dealing with character movement

I am about to program a platformer similar to SkyRoads. In my game I want specific number of lanes say 5. The ship will move from one adjacent lane to another and can jump in the same lane or to the...

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I am trying to move my character move using on-screen buttons.

In my script, I am trying to get my player to move left and right. It is strange to me because I can get the player to jump, fall down, and throw a snowball using the buttons that I created on the...

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C# Knockback effect, problem with Rigidbody2D.

I am trying to make a knockback effect but i have problem with my movement script. My movement script is something like that: Vector2 newVelocity = new Vector2(horizontal * speed * Time.deltaTime,...

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Always Grounded When Jumping

Hey hey! I'm following along via the 2dPlatformer tutorial, and can't figure out/understand why my jump method isn't behaving properly. I think it's due to the "grounded" bool, and the fact that it...

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Setting up Jump trigger

Hi, i have been setting up a jump trigger in my gamemanager script for my character to jump when i answer correctly a T/F question. but i don't know how to set a reference for the jump trigger on the...

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Physics2D Raycast not working?

I'm not sure why the following code isn't working... I set the jumpForce to 2 units, and the groundCheckLength to 0.03f. My objects are very tiny, 0.08x0.08 unity units, because I'm using pixel art...

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I am a begginer trying to make a simple 2d platformer. Need help with...

So, I am a beginner. Just started attempting to make a platformer today instead of following planned projects for once. . I was trying my best to work through it without to much copy and pasting of...

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CharecterController.Move() ignores parents movement

When i parent my CharecterController to a platform, i would exspect it to follow the parent like any other gameobject, but for some reason it doesn't. It seems like it only ignores the parents movement...

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Tips to make a good feeling 2d platformer player character

Im starting out on a 2D Platformer and i would appreciate if someone gave me some tips on how to make a player feel good. Should i make a physics-based or transform-based controller? Should i make the...

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2D Cast Problem

hey! im trying to set up a collision system for my 2d platformer and I cannot get this code to work but I dont know why: //Collision Check int col_hits =...

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Pre-solve Collision

Hi, guys I'm pretty much a beginner in game developing, and I am not aware of the features that could help me solving this specific problem I am about to describe. Therefore, I am here for any advice...

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need help with in-air movement

Basically, Im trying to implement a full force based movement controller, but i cant figure out how to control the player in the air without either cancelling all current momentum, or allowing the...

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How to disable wall jumping in 2D platformer with raycast and tilemap?

Im working on a 2d platformer project. I made a player controller script that uses a raycast to detect whether or not the player is on the ground. However, when i am up against a wall but not on the...

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Collider2D information outdated?,

Hey, I am quite new to Unity and I just started working on a 2D platformer, more precisely on the movement of the playable character. Now, when it comes to collision detection, the information returned...

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Messed up character controls on Android Platform

I am working on a small game. I have a basic movement system based on jump: if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && checkGrounded()) { rb.velocity = new Vector2(horizontalSpeed, jumpSpeed); } else if...

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Player slides off from moving platform when player isn't moving Bolt/visual...

using visual scripting: BOLT unity version: 2020.3.19f1 personal dx11 Okey i want to try to make simple first person platformer and want to make that if player gets "key" and moves on platform,...

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